Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So I posted back in November that I was back.....LIAR! I will see if I can do better this time. November....went home for Thanksgiving!

Also in November was the Marine Corp Ball with Cpl Grayson ;)

After Dinner in the Old Market

Sarah and I...(Sarah and I met at Cornhusker Girl's State she deserves a whole blog post of her own later)

Tom and I in front of the ice sculpture

Novmber hmmmm so long ago that's all I remember!!!


I came off orientation at work and began working on my own!!! Scary after first but learning something new everyday!

Tom was in Quantico for training but got to come home for 2 weeks around Christmas before he left for California! I spent Christmas with The Grayson's (Tom's family)


TOM and I after he got done snow blowing the whole block (we wanted to open present and he was being neighborly or something)


THe Grayson's Love Christmas and have a Large Family hence all the presents. The dog is Lottie tom's sisters dog!

then tom left for California ( I think) :(


January is flippen cold here I don't recall anything happening in january except maybe snowing.


Ahh February I got to escape the cold Nebraska Weather! I hopped on a plain and flew to California to see Tom. I flew into LAX (sicker than a dog I might add, I guess this happens when you work 4 or 5 in a row and take care of a kid with the flu). so anyway LA for the day...Hollywood.......not that cool should have went to Rodeo drive. So we ate at the hard rock

Tom's Friends were also there at the time...

Nick and Tom at the hard rock!

The Boys flew back to Nebraska after dinner

so tom and I took our first Train ride together to Oceanside,CA!

Did I mention I was there for Valentine's Day

a dozen roses then I burnt the bacon, pool side, massage, mexican food and margaritas, campfire by the ocean/pier at night!

The rest of the time of the time Tom and I spent being bums and just enjoying being together as we knew we would be apart for the next 9 months that and I was to sick to head to San Diego for marti Gra and yes we even hit up wal mart



WE did attempt to go to AVatar just because everyone said we should......

20 dollars later and after we both fell asleep and tom started snoring I suggested we leave the theatre!

Then it was time for a very sad goodbye :( I took a CAB to the train station where TOm put me on a TRAIN to LA, once in LA I took a BUS, tHen a PLAIN, the many other airport transportations to finially arrive Back in OMAHA........I got to feeling better and Tom somehow caught my flu/cold!

AND THAT completes my February


Well MArch 1st I closed on my house Pictures later.

MArch 9th went to Bon Jovi with MAxene



Then MArch 15th Tom started heading towards the Afghanistan :(

MArch 17th 1 year ago today I met tom on a blind date that Maxene ABove set me up on



And that's all I remember about MARCH

OK GOtta go have dinner with Friends We'll start back up with April when I get back!