Tuesday, March 10, 2009

fireside ocean frontview from San Juan Islands

Hello all! I have officially been on spring break for almost 5 days now! I am spending some time with my dad's sister Betty and her husband ward and their dog Hermione (for all you harry potter fans). I flew into Seattle last Friday and it was a beautiful sunny day so we had our fish tacos from Anthony's out on the deck, We then walked around Seattle's sculpture garden and enjoyed the lovely weather. We also went to the Japanese flower garden and although it is still a little early for everything to be in bloom is was still peaceful and beautiful! As many of you know I am contemplating a move to Seattle when I graduate on July 31, 2009 and that my biggest concern is my 62lb boxer Weissen! Anyway I was so surprised to see what a dog friendly city Seattle is! There was dogs everywhere tied up outside the grocery stores, at the dog park, walking down the streets, in people's cars which of course I was happy to see! On Saturday evening we ate Chinese, my aunt and uncle have a great variety of culturally diverse friends and also lived in japan for sometime so a visit to the Japanese grocery store and Chinese food is nothing out of the ordinary plus they always know just what to order, we had Mu shoo pork (best I've ever had), Tofu in the chef's special sauce (delightful), and hand shaved barley green noodles with shrimp, chicken squid (my favorite) quite delicious. On Saturday morning my uncle's nieces Vanessa and her husband Scott (must mention charming Australian accent) and Jennifer along with her 9 month old daughter Reeve (which comes from Jennifer's mothers name Monreeve Sp?...how creative) came over for brunch! It was great to see them, to meet scott and to catch up! Betty, Ward Herm and I then set out to catch the ferry to San Juan island where B & W have a newly remodeled cabin on the ocean! Snuck in a bowl of clam chowder primarily b/c Chad loves it and so I could say I ate clam chowder while I was here.....it was just fine but you know how cream and I mix so I took it easy. So since I have been on the island it has been cold 20's to 30's windy and snowy yesterday but already melted. Sunday morning we walked to Roche Harbor for breakfast with the a few other islanders. Was told that a son of one these people is going to going to UW and dog sits/walks (makes it seems so simple ha). Went to town yesterday and bought the Niece and nephew t-shirts and had a cup of Joe! Taking walks with the herm and enjoying my fireside ocean front view here on the island! As for moving here that's a whole other blog ............................I am a terrible tourist as far as taking pictures but I'll do my best! Much love XOXOX from San Juan, I'm off to walk the west beaches of the island.....Just returned from walking the rocky beaches and hiking around the state park and low and behold.......The whales were out! The whales are back early this year and there are 3 new babies or calves I think they are called and they were off in the distance a bit but we were able to see them jumping and swimming along which made my day! Now Salmon steaks for dinner!!!!!

The ocean is just too amazing!

Above: Aunt Betty and I at the Japanese Flower Garden

Above: Uncle Ward, Hermione and I at the sculpture park!

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