Sunday, April 26, 2009

I can't wait!

I can't until I'm driving through Starbucks just to enjoy the deliciousness of a white chocolate mocha with soy not because it is required to keep me awake for studying. I can't wait until I can go to Kansas City and spend more than 24 hours with my brother and his family. I can't wait until I can go to work and come home and not worry about what's due tomorrow or which online quiz I forgot to take. I can't wait until I have a day off that is actually a day off not me deciding to push everything aside and forget it exist to get a day off. I can't wait until I can buy the omaha world herald too the Seattle time or whatever and actually sit and read it. I can't wait until I actually understand and known what our politicians are doing because unless it happens at nebraska methodist college I don't know what's going on out there. I can't wait until I can sit and watch Ellen occasionally in the afternoon. I can't wait until I actually go into the gym rather than just drive by it. I can't wait until I am actually excited to go back to school for my master and most of all I can't WAIT until I graduate with my masters. I can't wait to see my mom tomorrow. I can't wait until Wednesday when I take my last final. I can't wait to hug my grandparents. I can't wait to get a job (hopefully) one I like. I can't wait to go shopping with my own hard earned cash. I cannot wait to get a breathe of fresh air...........

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Half-arsed blogger

Yep that's me lately......Strangely silent as my blog readers tell me! So What in the HEck have I been doing well mostly school and more school which is what I should be doing now but hey my people need to know what is crack-a-lackin! I have done a few fun things like go to a Nickelback concert, with some boy named Tom who I now seem to spend a lot of time with. Tom was also my dad's name which is kind of weird. Anyway the concert was fun......

It was st.patrick's day hence the green!
Fun times!

I went to teach some Kindergarten Kids about being a nurse and being in the hospital!
Too Cute!

So what else! My friend Sarah's family has a string of cancer that has seemed to have taken it's course, and she is doing an amazing job of supporting the American Cancer Society so........We did Relay for Life
My friend Jessie also turned 22! Jessie, Dana and I at old chicago celebrating with some pizza and beer!

ohhh there's more

This is a pic from my friend Meghan's Bridal shower

This was the weekend I actually had free to go to KC but it was also the weekend Chuck and Keri were having some time with out the kids to celebrate 7 years of marriage.

Then I got the Flu .......but I will not share pictures of this. Had to miss school but got everything made up!

Then after I had the flu I went out for sushi for Natasha's birthday......needless to say I didn't go drinking/dancing I thought sushi would be enough for my stomach to handle.......
And it was Delicious!!

Then I went on a roller bladding excursion. Went to a trail went roller bladding long story short friend Max lost her car key locked our phones in her car had to head back to my house a good 2 miles with hills and bad side walk walked in my socks... feet hurt. Finially used my triple A card for the first was an excursion!

Not Fun

And then I went to a BAchelorette Dinner for my friend Amanda's sister!

And That's what I have been doing I could tell you what is to come but that's no fun you'll just have to wait okay a hint.......