Sunday, April 26, 2009

I can't wait!

I can't until I'm driving through Starbucks just to enjoy the deliciousness of a white chocolate mocha with soy not because it is required to keep me awake for studying. I can't wait until I can go to Kansas City and spend more than 24 hours with my brother and his family. I can't wait until I can go to work and come home and not worry about what's due tomorrow or which online quiz I forgot to take. I can't wait until I have a day off that is actually a day off not me deciding to push everything aside and forget it exist to get a day off. I can't wait until I can buy the omaha world herald too the Seattle time or whatever and actually sit and read it. I can't wait until I actually understand and known what our politicians are doing because unless it happens at nebraska methodist college I don't know what's going on out there. I can't wait until I can sit and watch Ellen occasionally in the afternoon. I can't wait until I actually go into the gym rather than just drive by it. I can't wait until I am actually excited to go back to school for my master and most of all I can't WAIT until I graduate with my masters. I can't wait to see my mom tomorrow. I can't wait until Wednesday when I take my last final. I can't wait to hug my grandparents. I can't wait to get a job (hopefully) one I like. I can't wait to go shopping with my own hard earned cash. I cannot wait to get a breathe of fresh air...........

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