Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well Call me a Blogger!

Well I guess technically it's tomorrow or what was yesterdays tomorrow so I can plop something down on here! I am starting to figure this bloggin thing out, the tweaks will come later but hey I have 1 and what will soon be 2 blogs a picture and a background. See heres the thing I am on Christmas break from the dreaded Nursing school (eeek) and My sleep gets all out of wack because I sleep in and then I end up staying up til what is now 1:23 and Omaha time that is 2:23 so then when I go back I am all messed up but good thing I don't have class until 11 on any given day next semester! Clinicals until 9:30 not sure How I'm gonna like that! Anyway I guess I will quit fidgeting with this crapola and of course browsing ebay and as we say here in the stix hit the hay! NiGhT!

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