Monday, December 29, 2008

Why Start?

So Here I am bored as all Hell in the Stix deciding to start a Blog...heck why not everyone's doing it! I guess this is mostly a procrastination tool because right now I don't wanna fill out scholarship applications (ICK) and I am sure when I start back to class it will be handy to not only have facebook and myspace but also a blog to take up my time ;) SO I'm home on Christmas break right now and contrary to what you may think we are past the days of dial up out here (Thank Goodness or I really would be going insane). Christmas wasn't too exciting, just spent the day with the grandparents! gotta love em! I have enjoyed being home on what will be my last Christmas break (tear)! Went to See Marley and Me last night, yes I had to drive 45 minutes to see it but It was worth it cried like a BABY. Considering we just put our yellow lab (TABOR JOE) to sleep before Thanksgiving and I never let myself cry I suppose it was over due. Anywhoooo good movie Highly recommend! Getting Pretty Excited for New years in Deadwood with Friends!!!! Considering it is now almost 2 o'clock and I have done nothing with this day i suppose I will try to start that scholarship application. SO here we go starting a bloggin adventure so I guess for today RIP Tabor We miss you ol yella fella

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