Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Deadwood here we come!

I'm a little enthusiastic about this blog thing don't worry it will die down after the whole new factor wears off and of course school starts! Anyway! Tomorrow is New Years Eve the last day of 2008, is it bad or does it make me old to have trouble remembering the whole year....where did it go ohh yah I've been in school the whole time non stop since last January I had a one month summer vacation and headed back to school and now I have this one month Vaca and back to school back to school to prove to ma that I'm not a fool....something like that anyway! I guess time flies when you are having fun! New Years last year....I was also in Deadwood having a blast with Kelly and Ty and some of their friends! It was a good time brought in the new year with a terrible whiskey sour (bad mix i guess) and dancing right there in deadwood, watching the make shift ball drop! As far as the lack of a New Years kiss in 08 I foresee that looking the same unless I chose to Kiss Perrin which would be weird because he is like my best friend/brother, my guess is I will be kissing everyone and I do mean everyone on the cheek! Because somehow kissing some stranger into the new year doesn't sound to great....then again probably never see them again but naaa dumb tradition who thought of that anyway ......I guess My aunt Betty would say why don't you look that up (Great Lady get to go see them in March....Love Seattle). Ohh boy it was interesting last year when Kelly Fish got mad because Ty wasn't coming back to the hotel........he got on the wrong trolly more than once and apparently missed our Hotel a couple times too ooops! Hopefully the crew this year can manage to get on the correct Trolly! Getting my haircut tomorrow....after a series of bad haircuts I decided to just chop it all off and now I am growing it out again but it's terrible so I think I'm choppin it again and then maybe I'll grow it out from there....hmmm! Well it's just hair! I'm usually not big on new years resolutions but consider this Break and all the Christmas goodies has taken it's toll on my ass and I can't count on losing 15lbs by having my tonsils out again this year (and losing a ton of blood, going back in to surgery, spending a couple days in the Gordon Hospital) I guess I'll just have to go to the Gym :) :( ANyway I'll let you know how this new years thing goes, AJ says it's gonna be Bitchin....because everything to her is Bitchin...haha love her anyway Here are some pics of last New Years! Who knows what 2009 will bring....hopefully a graduation for sure ! Now what to wear I didn't bring the best wardrobe selections home not to mention it's cold in this country!

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