Monday, February 16, 2009

Stunna Shades

So the big night out on the town with the ladies was a blast with a capitol B!!!! We were totally "Those girls" and didn't even care here I'll show you ...............

Heart Shaped Pizza as promised

Myth -we totally ruined the romantic atmosphere yah we were those girls!

Then we dance our pants/tights off!

all while sporting some serious fashion for the evening...............

Stunna Shades and Killa Corsages!

Hell i even found CUPID!!!!

but his arrow was not pointed at me!

Hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day with your loves! As for me it's test time again so I'm gonna crawl into my study hole see ya after next Monday!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Forced Affection Day! JUST KIDDIng I'm not bitter I actually love VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I 'm not sure there is a holiday I dislike! So I may not have a valentine but I have super cool single friends so what is my group of single ladies doing well we are going out and about hoping to get hit by cup!d ......heart shaped pizza! Myth martini bar (a fav) and the Slowdown for the goo dance party sporting some rather sweet accessories but those you'll have to wait to see the pictures!!!

Will you be my V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E, sugar spice and all things nice is what you are to me!


Friday, February 13, 2009


Ohh yay a snow day....wait I don't have school on Friday's anyway....ohh well it's pretty snow anyway and lots of it! Weissen and I ventured to the park for a snowy adventure this beautiful white and clean and so peaceful!
My best friend Kelly and her husband Ty had their baby boy I believe it was this past sunday can't wait to see the booger...but that won't be until may :( I believe he was 8 lbs 15 oz and 2o inches long born via c-section because he wanted to enter this world arse first! Here's some pics she sent via cell phone!

Thor Ryan Fish

Ty and Thor Ryan

Thor packed up and headin to lame johnny creek

Look at this cutie....looks like he's already mastered a smile ;)

I am so proud and I'm just aunt Kelly!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I have hand cuffs!

Sometimes my expensive school makes us do retarded I woke up this morning really not wanting to go to the Probation office in NOrth O of all places and talk to the domestic violence probations officers. Well I am glad I did sure I learned a little bit but mostly excuse the term I shot the shit! The two gentlemen there were hilarious and started my day of great! It was a blast but as far as my school making me go to a north omaha probation office alone, plus it's right next to a cubby's where all the stuff goes down in the ghetto (okay it was more the edge of the ghetto but ghetto is ghetto hoping the term ghetto does not offend anyone)......probably the best Idea NMC has ever had! I had a blast plus I got to wear a bullet proof vest that is almost 10 years out dated hey it's what they wear and I got to use hand cuffs! I should have been a probation officer.....come On I am so hug a thug as they call it! And update on the whole nursing skills I did get an IV on the first try last week fyi and I passed my test on monday...go team Kelly! ok anyway I had a good day and ps I hate cancer!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Someday it will all be worth it!

It's on days like today when I wonder whatever happened to the woman not being educated and just staying home bakin pies, milkin the cows and feedin the kids. Ok well even when that did occur women like me were usually fighting to be educated or lobbying to vote or something because well I have no husband or kids too feed. Chad eats what I cook so maybe that would work. ANYWAY what I am saying is sorry no exciting news up on the blog I know I have pics just waiting to be put on the camera BUT first nursing test of the semester tomorrow so I've been busy.....not pleasantly busy.........
Even Weissen's had enough. We did of course take study breaks to check facebook, chase squirrels at the park and make a run to starbucks! Anyway wish me luck...I think I'm gonna need it! :)