Friday, February 13, 2009


Ohh yay a snow day....wait I don't have school on Friday's anyway....ohh well it's pretty snow anyway and lots of it! Weissen and I ventured to the park for a snowy adventure this beautiful white and clean and so peaceful!
My best friend Kelly and her husband Ty had their baby boy I believe it was this past sunday can't wait to see the booger...but that won't be until may :( I believe he was 8 lbs 15 oz and 2o inches long born via c-section because he wanted to enter this world arse first! Here's some pics she sent via cell phone!

Thor Ryan Fish

Ty and Thor Ryan

Thor packed up and headin to lame johnny creek

Look at this cutie....looks like he's already mastered a smile ;)

I am so proud and I'm just aunt Kelly!

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