Sunday, February 1, 2009

Someday it will all be worth it!

It's on days like today when I wonder whatever happened to the woman not being educated and just staying home bakin pies, milkin the cows and feedin the kids. Ok well even when that did occur women like me were usually fighting to be educated or lobbying to vote or something because well I have no husband or kids too feed. Chad eats what I cook so maybe that would work. ANYWAY what I am saying is sorry no exciting news up on the blog I know I have pics just waiting to be put on the camera BUT first nursing test of the semester tomorrow so I've been busy.....not pleasantly busy.........
Even Weissen's had enough. We did of course take study breaks to check facebook, chase squirrels at the park and make a run to starbucks! Anyway wish me luck...I think I'm gonna need it! :)

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