Thursday, January 1, 2009


"Love is like rain gently caressing the lake, it is electricity surging with just one slight touch, it is feeling you get from a thought, it is the smile and the words, it is the photo that captured the moment, it is the look in his eyes, love is the way you feel about yourself, it is the peace the comes over you, it is the answer to hate and anger, it is trust and it is an adventure, love is finding yourself, love is a kiss, it is compassion, it is passionate and it is continuous, it is taking a chance, love is like a friendship that never ends, love is simple and easy, love is understanding, it is the lack of pain and loneliness, love letting go, it is finding the light in the dark, it is finding your way on an unknown path, it is fighting for what you want and never holding back, love is not wasted it is the faith that you too are loved, love it letting you heart be open, it unending and steadfast, Love is what you make it!" - These are the words of my friend Staci! But I think they are great and so true! at least this is the kind of love I am looking for!

1 comment:

  1. I think that we are all looking for a love like this. One that will forever change who we are.
