Thursday, January 22, 2009

busy busy busy

So I've been wanting to blog and add pictures of what I've been up to but......ughhhh. There is no time! My good friend Staci Elizabeth Parker moved away from me in December.... Omaha feels empty with out her. When I drive by your old apartment I want to cry....Here's staci.....this was taken last March when we drove from Omaha to Albuquerque for spring break and yes I got kicked out of a bar and yes I sang karaoke bringing the bar to their feet because I turned it into comedy hour and yes it was spring break so I was a bar .......they threw me into public! Anyway Staci and I have decided to stay in touch through blogging! Staci and I liked to try our hand at cooking...Staci makes some mean caramel corn and she otherwise likes to cook from a box she says. So we tried making cinnamon rolls one time...Key word tried!If nothing else we had fun and found a few utensils...such as a rolling pin that I lack in my kitchen (coke can worked great) so anyway the rolls weren't that great! Plus the fact I wasn't using grammy's recipe. Next time I will or maybe the pioneer womans recipe. What am I getting at here is that I have been cooking Staci..... well last weekend I was on a roll any way I made apple dumplings delicious and easy trust me Staci you can handle this one! and Then I made guacamole which must have been a theme recently! But yes I actually chopped up cilantro, and smushed the avocados and everything.....what's left is still in the fridge probably better check that ehhhhh. and Then I also made meat loaf (my mom's recipe) hot crash potatoes. Just call me Betty but sorry no pics!

I also went bowling last Saturday with Eric he came to town to see his beloved Sharla. So Matt Sharla's cousin and Ross's cousin for those of you who remember way back when I was married (not literally) anyway we all went bowling! It was fun had some delicious gizzards and some miller lite......good times with friends pics to come of that!

However this is my super cool Friend Dana and I! Well went to see my bloody valentine 3-D hence the cool glasses! Not that either of us cared to see it we just wanted scary and this was 3-d so hey and we got the cool glasses which by the way are still on my head I just realized! Stupid movie Hot actor so it was all good!

Dana and I plan to dance our pants off tomorrow possibly with her sister in-law Natasha because after a long week of trying to become a nurse (Ps attempted to start my first IV in the ICU this week, got it then the vein blew or infiltrated then I missed then I called the IV team.....thanks patient who's name I of course cannot say...will remember you forever. and I hung blood and held a bite block for an EGD and pushed some drugs...that's it) ohhhh yes dancing with dana and tash we all need a drink and to dance our pants of at some ridiculous white trash bar I am sure! And Saturday's plans involve going to eat at JAZZ downtown because I never have and Matt (sharla and ross's cousin) insists I must so going to eat with Matt probably Sharla and some peeps! I'lll try to document this weekend in pictures!

There's your weekly update I suppose as for next week no cooking my pants are getting to tight! so Good night gotta go to the gym and study group at 9 am on who does that!

Much Love

1 comment:

  1. I miss you so much its not even funny. I can not wait to see you. I'm really in need of Kelly and Staci time. Pizza and beer??
