Thursday, January 22, 2009

busy busy busy

So I've been wanting to blog and add pictures of what I've been up to but......ughhhh. There is no time! My good friend Staci Elizabeth Parker moved away from me in December.... Omaha feels empty with out her. When I drive by your old apartment I want to cry....Here's staci.....this was taken last March when we drove from Omaha to Albuquerque for spring break and yes I got kicked out of a bar and yes I sang karaoke bringing the bar to their feet because I turned it into comedy hour and yes it was spring break so I was a bar .......they threw me into public! Anyway Staci and I have decided to stay in touch through blogging! Staci and I liked to try our hand at cooking...Staci makes some mean caramel corn and she otherwise likes to cook from a box she says. So we tried making cinnamon rolls one time...Key word tried!If nothing else we had fun and found a few utensils...such as a rolling pin that I lack in my kitchen (coke can worked great) so anyway the rolls weren't that great! Plus the fact I wasn't using grammy's recipe. Next time I will or maybe the pioneer womans recipe. What am I getting at here is that I have been cooking Staci..... well last weekend I was on a roll any way I made apple dumplings delicious and easy trust me Staci you can handle this one! and Then I made guacamole which must have been a theme recently! But yes I actually chopped up cilantro, and smushed the avocados and everything.....what's left is still in the fridge probably better check that ehhhhh. and Then I also made meat loaf (my mom's recipe) hot crash potatoes. Just call me Betty but sorry no pics!

I also went bowling last Saturday with Eric he came to town to see his beloved Sharla. So Matt Sharla's cousin and Ross's cousin for those of you who remember way back when I was married (not literally) anyway we all went bowling! It was fun had some delicious gizzards and some miller lite......good times with friends pics to come of that!

However this is my super cool Friend Dana and I! Well went to see my bloody valentine 3-D hence the cool glasses! Not that either of us cared to see it we just wanted scary and this was 3-d so hey and we got the cool glasses which by the way are still on my head I just realized! Stupid movie Hot actor so it was all good!

Dana and I plan to dance our pants off tomorrow possibly with her sister in-law Natasha because after a long week of trying to become a nurse (Ps attempted to start my first IV in the ICU this week, got it then the vein blew or infiltrated then I missed then I called the IV team.....thanks patient who's name I of course cannot say...will remember you forever. and I hung blood and held a bite block for an EGD and pushed some drugs...that's it) ohhhh yes dancing with dana and tash we all need a drink and to dance our pants of at some ridiculous white trash bar I am sure! And Saturday's plans involve going to eat at JAZZ downtown because I never have and Matt (sharla and ross's cousin) insists I must so going to eat with Matt probably Sharla and some peeps! I'lll try to document this weekend in pictures!

There's your weekly update I suppose as for next week no cooking my pants are getting to tight! so Good night gotta go to the gym and study group at 9 am on who does that!

Much Love

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Will we ever love our lives again?

So I read all these blogs of these happy people with perfect cute little lives with husbands and kids and they have time to make delicious dishes, and money to buy cute stuff and remodel their houses and blah blah blah! I guess it's a nice break from my reality to step into theirs for a minute! So the title will we ever love our lives's a theme in nursing school especially at the senior level to hear the phrase I hate my life and at the beginning of a new semester I had to ask ARE WE EVER GONNA LOVE OUR LIVES AGAIN? No one was really sure how to answer that because right now it feels like a big fat No! Not to mention it's friggen freezing her in NE! Okay okay I'm done complaining so I have decided to look to more positive things around me. I have actually started working out again (yay me).....I attended body pump and pilates this week I'm trying to get brave enough to wonder into the cycling room something about it just scare the pee wadden out of me but I'm gonna build up enough nerve dang it! So there is this older women in my pilates class who reminds me of my dear sweet Aunt Betty and well another member had an embarassing moment and We were all like don't worry about it it's fine and the aunt Betty lady said remember that one time when the girl had musical apparently someone came to pilates wearing musical christmas underwear and the moves set her underwear off a few times and she ended up having to go change that is too funny! Anyway the lady who brought up the story reminded me of my aunt and the musical underwear for some reason made me think my aunt would get a chuckle out of this or it would totally be something my aunt would buy me because we love christmas and halloween! But Please Betty if you read this no musical underwear! So do any of you have musical underwear? hahaa

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's snowing!

It seems that which ever direction I travel I always miss the good snow fall! Well not tonight! It's snowing here in Omaha and of course it is because I had a night planned out on the town with a cute sweater dress, tights and boots and well now I'm staying in........Funny thing I'm not that upset about it! Something nice about an evening in when it is snowing! Had a girls night last night with Miss DAna Christine Olsen (Hold on she's calling...weird how that happens) anyway Dana Christine who is not Dana Marie which I tend to like to call her quite often...ooops! Anyway I was going to make us pizza for dinner at her apartment but the crust called for butter and Dana didn't have any butter so we traveled to the bag and save up the street. We got the butter and decided we needed some dessert (right ;)) So we picked out some edy's loaded cookie dough ice cream and butter and headed to the register well i left my suitcase of a purse in the apartment so it was up to Dana to purchase these items. Well her card got declined so the cashier said try it as debit nope didn't work so Dana informed me that I had to put the Ice cream back.....must have been a sign from the good lord above that we didn't need that ice cream. Well then our teeny bopper cashier had to have someone come cancel the ice cream off ticket so our butter was like 80 some cents so Dana hands him 2 dollars and he of course handed one back to her...funny thing she works at a bank! well we found it quite amusing and all in all we got what we went for butter! So we made a pizza....definitely not a fat free pizza we don't watch calories on girls nights..ohh no we made a stuffed crust cream cheese minced garlic mozzarella peperoni cheddar cheese pizza .....AMEN we are never ordering pizza again! Then Dana, Sarah B and I watch Mama Mia....totally cheesy totally cute! Speaking of movies The other night ughh lets see when i got back into town Erin Om Bomb and I went to see the curious incident of Benjamin button...don't waste your time. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't great it was mixture of titanic and the notebook with a reverse aging issue and well if Mr.Pitt had not been in it I would have been bored out of my mind, but he's hot so my drooling kept me awake. My aunt is in town...crazy cat lady......We are a lot a like in many ways we both love animals like it's our job, she is known as the humane society of my hometown, we both love to take long baths, and of course we love to cook and eat! So we're staying in tonight and going to watch The Women which is an amazing chick flick, no boys are in this movie well at the very end a boy makes an appearance but he's not yet claiming to be a man so that makes it ok! Anyway if you haven't seen this please do! And tomorrow weather promitting I am going actually go to the gym and possibly see Bridal Wars which just came out today I believe, I am a sucker for chick flicks as you see!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy B-day Kyle and STEVe

so Today my last day at home for break! It's always hard to leave but I am ready for something to do! The thought of school however makes me want to vomit.....just a little bit! Anyway headed back to the city after an evening with 3 of my very best friends! Kyle Schmidty (Happy Birthday you old buzzard), Eric Roth and Perrin Schmidt! These boys are probably the reason have decided to stay in Omaha when I graduate because they are all planning to move that way, some by choice some not! Kyle will be going to med school next august...the future Dr. Schmidty! Perrin plans to move to the omaha/lincoln area and E-Roth has another semester of football and will then be moving to omaha to Join Lar who is in Pharmacy School! It will just be a reunion of the Kids from the North! Can't wait! Ps is it August yet?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Home on the Range

Well I'm entering into my last few days here on the range!! The last mornings have been spent chopping ice always exciting...this amounts to the extent of my excercise over break...yep thank goodness for that gym membership when I get back! uggghhh!! I've eaten plenty of fudge! Plus everytime I am home my grandmother crazy ol lady decides to make a new dish everday's time for a diet, Happy New YEar! Spent the day in Rapid with mom, went to the eye doctor who is quite easy on the eyes, and had some delicious sushi and then well some more chocolate! Happy New Year, I'm gonna go eat yet another piece of fudge!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Here I come!

Happy New Year everyone! I haven't been in a blogging mood the first day of 09 was good, but since then I've just been grumpy I think I am bored! I need to go back to School eeek, yah I know I said it but the sooner I go back the sooner I finish! Deadwood was a blast as always. No new years kiss which was good considering I was being followed around at midnight by someone who's name I won't mention and then these randoms in front of us kept telling us happy new year and pausing but sorry fella's! I actually considered just kissing the random in front of me but decided that's really not how I care to bring in the new year! Perrin and I tried to perfect our polka skills (1 2 3 1 2 3) that's all we got but it was a little difficult! Came home and hung with the fam and then capped the first day of the new year off sitting in the hot tub with Perrin, Dani and Aus! OHH by the way Dani and Aus got engaged congrats!!!! They are planning to get married on my birthday June 5, 2010! How exciting, they said I could have small cake ;)! So as for New Years resolution I'll just start thoughs when I get back to Omaha! Although this new year has me thinking about new things! Like when I graduate I was thinking about moving back to rapid but now I am thinking of staying in Omaha! You just never know what I am gonna do! But I have this idea of buying a house and so I've just been browsing and now I can't get the idea out of my head ugggghhhh I need school, memorial park, Doozer, Sarah and Chipotle right now! Anywhoooo Happy New to get ready for church!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


"Love is like rain gently caressing the lake, it is electricity surging with just one slight touch, it is feeling you get from a thought, it is the smile and the words, it is the photo that captured the moment, it is the look in his eyes, love is the way you feel about yourself, it is the peace the comes over you, it is the answer to hate and anger, it is trust and it is an adventure, love is finding yourself, love is a kiss, it is compassion, it is passionate and it is continuous, it is taking a chance, love is like a friendship that never ends, love is simple and easy, love is understanding, it is the lack of pain and loneliness, love letting go, it is finding the light in the dark, it is finding your way on an unknown path, it is fighting for what you want and never holding back, love is not wasted it is the faith that you too are loved, love it letting you heart be open, it unending and steadfast, Love is what you make it!" - These are the words of my friend Staci! But I think they are great and so true! at least this is the kind of love I am looking for!