Thursday, January 15, 2009

Will we ever love our lives again?

So I read all these blogs of these happy people with perfect cute little lives with husbands and kids and they have time to make delicious dishes, and money to buy cute stuff and remodel their houses and blah blah blah! I guess it's a nice break from my reality to step into theirs for a minute! So the title will we ever love our lives's a theme in nursing school especially at the senior level to hear the phrase I hate my life and at the beginning of a new semester I had to ask ARE WE EVER GONNA LOVE OUR LIVES AGAIN? No one was really sure how to answer that because right now it feels like a big fat No! Not to mention it's friggen freezing her in NE! Okay okay I'm done complaining so I have decided to look to more positive things around me. I have actually started working out again (yay me).....I attended body pump and pilates this week I'm trying to get brave enough to wonder into the cycling room something about it just scare the pee wadden out of me but I'm gonna build up enough nerve dang it! So there is this older women in my pilates class who reminds me of my dear sweet Aunt Betty and well another member had an embarassing moment and We were all like don't worry about it it's fine and the aunt Betty lady said remember that one time when the girl had musical apparently someone came to pilates wearing musical christmas underwear and the moves set her underwear off a few times and she ended up having to go change that is too funny! Anyway the lady who brought up the story reminded me of my aunt and the musical underwear for some reason made me think my aunt would get a chuckle out of this or it would totally be something my aunt would buy me because we love christmas and halloween! But Please Betty if you read this no musical underwear! So do any of you have musical underwear? hahaa

1 comment:

  1. No musical undies here - darn it! BUT, definitely venture into the cycling room. Don't be scared! WAY back in the day when I was into that sort of thing for a very short time (ha!) I tried a spin class in CO and LOVED it!!!!! It's so fun and it's nice to have an instructor to keep you going, then you don't feel like you can just stop. It keeps you going, but it's awesome! Good luck!
