Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Here I come!

Happy New Year everyone! I haven't been in a blogging mood the first day of 09 was good, but since then I've just been grumpy I think I am bored! I need to go back to School eeek, yah I know I said it but the sooner I go back the sooner I finish! Deadwood was a blast as always. No new years kiss which was good considering I was being followed around at midnight by someone who's name I won't mention and then these randoms in front of us kept telling us happy new year and pausing but sorry fella's! I actually considered just kissing the random in front of me but decided that's really not how I care to bring in the new year! Perrin and I tried to perfect our polka skills (1 2 3 1 2 3) that's all we got but it was a little difficult! Came home and hung with the fam and then capped the first day of the new year off sitting in the hot tub with Perrin, Dani and Aus! OHH by the way Dani and Aus got engaged congrats!!!! They are planning to get married on my birthday June 5, 2010! How exciting, they said I could have small cake ;)! So as for New Years resolution I'll just start thoughs when I get back to Omaha! Although this new year has me thinking about new things! Like when I graduate I was thinking about moving back to rapid but now I am thinking of staying in Omaha! You just never know what I am gonna do! But I have this idea of buying a house and so I've just been browsing and now I can't get the idea out of my head ugggghhhh I need school, memorial park, Doozer, Sarah and Chipotle right now! Anywhoooo Happy New to get ready for church!

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