Friday, January 9, 2009

It's snowing!

It seems that which ever direction I travel I always miss the good snow fall! Well not tonight! It's snowing here in Omaha and of course it is because I had a night planned out on the town with a cute sweater dress, tights and boots and well now I'm staying in........Funny thing I'm not that upset about it! Something nice about an evening in when it is snowing! Had a girls night last night with Miss DAna Christine Olsen (Hold on she's calling...weird how that happens) anyway Dana Christine who is not Dana Marie which I tend to like to call her quite often...ooops! Anyway I was going to make us pizza for dinner at her apartment but the crust called for butter and Dana didn't have any butter so we traveled to the bag and save up the street. We got the butter and decided we needed some dessert (right ;)) So we picked out some edy's loaded cookie dough ice cream and butter and headed to the register well i left my suitcase of a purse in the apartment so it was up to Dana to purchase these items. Well her card got declined so the cashier said try it as debit nope didn't work so Dana informed me that I had to put the Ice cream back.....must have been a sign from the good lord above that we didn't need that ice cream. Well then our teeny bopper cashier had to have someone come cancel the ice cream off ticket so our butter was like 80 some cents so Dana hands him 2 dollars and he of course handed one back to her...funny thing she works at a bank! well we found it quite amusing and all in all we got what we went for butter! So we made a pizza....definitely not a fat free pizza we don't watch calories on girls nights..ohh no we made a stuffed crust cream cheese minced garlic mozzarella peperoni cheddar cheese pizza .....AMEN we are never ordering pizza again! Then Dana, Sarah B and I watch Mama Mia....totally cheesy totally cute! Speaking of movies The other night ughh lets see when i got back into town Erin Om Bomb and I went to see the curious incident of Benjamin button...don't waste your time. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't great it was mixture of titanic and the notebook with a reverse aging issue and well if Mr.Pitt had not been in it I would have been bored out of my mind, but he's hot so my drooling kept me awake. My aunt is in town...crazy cat lady......We are a lot a like in many ways we both love animals like it's our job, she is known as the humane society of my hometown, we both love to take long baths, and of course we love to cook and eat! So we're staying in tonight and going to watch The Women which is an amazing chick flick, no boys are in this movie well at the very end a boy makes an appearance but he's not yet claiming to be a man so that makes it ok! Anyway if you haven't seen this please do! And tomorrow weather promitting I am going actually go to the gym and possibly see Bridal Wars which just came out today I believe, I am a sucker for chick flicks as you see!

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