Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy B-day Kyle and STEVe

so Today my last day at home for break! It's always hard to leave but I am ready for something to do! The thought of school however makes me want to vomit.....just a little bit! Anyway headed back to the city after an evening with 3 of my very best friends! Kyle Schmidty (Happy Birthday you old buzzard), Eric Roth and Perrin Schmidt! These boys are probably the reason have decided to stay in Omaha when I graduate because they are all planning to move that way, some by choice some not! Kyle will be going to med school next august...the future Dr. Schmidty! Perrin plans to move to the omaha/lincoln area and E-Roth has another semester of football and will then be moving to omaha to Join Lar who is in Pharmacy School! It will just be a reunion of the Kids from the North! Can't wait! Ps is it August yet?

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